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Herbal Anti-Cancer Drug Not Recognized

Written By rajablos on Kamis, 17 Maret 2011 | 03.28

Anticancer herbal medicines in Indonesia are still not recognized in the medical world to be a companion chemical inhibitor drugs for cancer have not been clinically tested.
"Doctors do not want to admit herbal medicines is a de jure, but de facto they normally use, such as herbs or massage drinking tradition," said Kusmayanto Kadiman in Materials Research Symposium XIV Natural Medicines Natural Products Utilization in Overcoming Cancer in Jakarta.

According to him, actually the last few years the world community, particularly developed countries prefer the traditional medicine made from plants instead of using synthetic drug-related side effects.

The trend back to using traditional medicines naturally known as the "new green wave".

Kusmayanto request for research of herbal medicines continue to be improved connect Indonesia is very rich in biodiversity while reducing the value of imports of synthetic drugs.

Meanwhile, Deputy Head of BPPT field of Agro Industry and Biotechnology Wahono Sumaryono said, though not yet recognized by the medical world because it has not been through clinical and preclinical trials, herbal medicine trade is estimated to grow to Rp 10 trillion in 2010, one third of the volume of trade in synthetic drugs reached Rp 30 trillion.

Wahono also said, than 300,000 species of plants in the world, only two percent of the plant parts have been studied chemically efficacious cure.

In Indonesia, known as megadiversity has about 9600 species of medicinal plants, 250 species of which have been used commercially as an herbal remedy, he added.

Although there are 1056 active agents under investigation, further Wahono, but only five of these to be herbs that have been through clinical trials or trials in humans and allowed to circulate in the market as well known as a drug fitofarmaka.

For example, hypertension-lowering drugs or antidiarrheal medication, but no one has the form of anti-cancer drugs, he said.

"A total of 23 types are standardized herbal medicines or have gone through preclinical testing or testing on animals and has become a candidate fitofarmaka. While that is still in the form of herbal medicine is thousands of them," he said.

Kusmayanto said, to make herbal medicines as an official drug took so long, and some even take up to 15 years from start of research, in vitro in the lab, tests on animals, testing in humans to be allowed to circulate.

Meanwhile, Managing Director of RS Dharmais Sutoto in collaboration with Natural Materials Research Society (Perhipba) reviewing the research of herbal medicine, said in RS Dharmais although herbal medicines have not officially recognized, but fitofarmaka already a supporter of the official treatment.
03.28 | 0 komentar | Read More

9 Herbs to Improve Sexual Life

Want to improve your sex life naturally? Here are some herbs that are recommended by Dr Lavinia Suryadi from Healthy Choice, detoxification centers and organic food in Jakarta.

1. Celery
These vegetables will make you more energetic, sleep better, and beneficial to women in increasing sexual arousal.

2. Garlic
These herbs are often called Russian antibiotics for efficacy in eradicating the bacteria. These herbs help men achieve and maintain erections by helping to widen blood vessels.

3. Ginseng
Herbal Korean pride is indeed expensive, but the efficacy has been proven for thousands of years. Ginseng encourage physical activity and improve mental and endocrine function.

These herbs are also giving a positive effect on the sex glands. Ginseng helps to balance female hormones, especially during the drastic physical changes, such as after childbirth, during menstruation, and menopause.
Types of ginseng is beneficial for your sex life is Panax ginseng and Panax ouinquefolius, while Siberian ginseng is useful for health, but not effective to improve sex life.

4. Ginkgo biloba
These herbs are often called a smart herb for its ability to improve memory and slow the worsening of Alzheimer's disease. Ginkgo biloba improves blood flow throughout the body so as to give more oxygen to the brain, heart, and entire body, including the sex organs.

5. Fennel seeds
For years, fennel seeds are used to treat diseases in women complaints in different parts of the world. Fennel is useful relieve the symptoms of pre-menstruation syndrome (PMS) and menopause.

6. Primrose
This herb has been used for centuries in Europe as a mild sedative and overcome a variety of respiratory diseases. For matters of sex, primrose is a natural estrogen to your body.
03.27 | 0 komentar | Read More

Cardamom, Natural Expectorants

The nature and distinctive aroma. Because of cardamom is often used as a flavoring dishes. Not infrequently, this bush plant used for relief herb throat disorders. Content of essential oil fraction useful as a diluent phlegm or expectorant.

Among fans of herbs, cardamom known as expectorants. Some studies reveal expectorant properties that was derived from the essential oil content of cineol, the carminative which also works on cold medicine. Cineol similar but not equal to eukaliptol eucalyptus is more spicy, but cool when swallowed. Usually used to make fake peppermint.

Susanto disclosed, cardamom plant developers in Cinere, in addition to thinning phlegm concoction made, shavings rods that have been dried cardamom can be used as a beverage. Cardamom drinks can be found in an Arab restaurant in the area of ​​Kemang, South Jakarta.

In the Bedouin culture, drink cardamom is used for heating as well as immune booster.

Drugs Outside and In
During this mass cardamom is used as a mixture of herbs. In some areas, cardamom kapol-known local cardamom, palago, karkolaka.
Physically cardamom classified in the herb that can reach a height of 2-3 meters and grows in dense forest. Cardamom fertile life at an altitude of 200-1000 meters above sea level. At first it wild life as a plant shrubs, but now cultivated as a crop cardamom spice.

In addition to the trunk, cardamom seeds taken from plants before the fruit is ripe is often used as a raw material ingredient. Cardamom seeds that have been dried is often called cement cardamomi. Another part is used for root and fruit concoction.

Chemical constituents in essential oils including cardamom, cineol, terpineol, borneol, protein, sugar, and less fat. From the compound has efficacy cardamom expectorant, laxative fart (antimasuk wind), and antibatuk.

There are two ways to obtain benefits cardamom. For external treatment, by boiling or refine all parts of this plant, then water or a soft dough is massaged into the affected part. For treatment of deep, pounded cardamom seeds and boil and filter drinking water.

Susan explained, for treatment outside of cardamom can be used as raw material liquid to overcome bad breath (water flower stew mixture of cardamom and other ingredients to rinse), and whooping cough (smooth dough mixture is applied to the chest and neck).

Conversely, for the treatment of deep, cardamom can overcome the interference of the throat, bloating, stomach cramps, abdominal pain, colds, bad breath (water decoction drunk materials), vomiting, inflammation of the stomach (gastritis), and fever.

Mouth freshener
As a member of the ginger-jahean tribe, named Latin Elettaria cardamomum plant was originally found growing naturally in the mountains of Malabar, on the West Coast of India. Because the behavior in the world market, he also developed in Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Guatemala.

In Indonesia, this plant was developed for a long time, especially in the areas of Java and Sumatra. Trusted local cardamom seeds contain essential oils, and even more fragrant, so often used as an absolute first-mutant for fragrances mouth. Unfortunately, since the world flooded with a variety of candy mouth odor remover, local cardamom is not used anymore because it is less practical.

There are two kinds of cardamom, namely India and cardamom cardamom locally called kapol. In the official book-jahean ginger, kapol still remains the official written cardamom (sometimes given frills "local"). While cardamom cardamom Sabrang written Indian descent.

Before being used, intentionally cardamom unpeeled fruit. If you want to use, the fruit as much as a tablespoon of crushed lightly in a small porcelain mortar, for apart from the skin of the fruit. Skin cracked seeds are then screened for the discarded skin. Seeds pounded further until smooth or rough half as needed. This is affixed to the dish or made potions. Pounding it should be partial, shortly before use, so the freshness is still felt right.
03.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Cinnamon Lower Blood Sugar

Fragrant aroma of cinnamon bark (cassiavera) makes this herb plants to be excellent as a flavoring cakes and drinks. These last few years, scientists have managed to uncover other properties of cinnamon, which lower blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon or cinnamon contains various chemical compounds, namely essential oils eugenol, safrole, also contain sinamaldehyde, tannin, calcium oxalate, resins, and tanning.

According to Dr. Dr. Amarullah Siregar, cinnamon has a bio-molecular effects in the pancreas. "Cinnamon contains a chemical compound called PTP1B is working to enable compound in pancreatic beta cells by activating that function to produce insulin," he said.

Furthermore, insulin will open the door of the red blood cells so that glucose can enter and be converted into energy. People with diabetes type body sensitivity to insulin is reduced so that blood sugar levels remain high because they can not enter the cell.

PTP1B compounds will also work on alpha cell that helps the liver to produce glycogen. "These cells convert sugar into glycogen, or energy reserves," said Amarullah, an expert in naturopathic medicine.

He added that, unlike diabetes drugs directly reduce blood sugar, herbs such as cinnamon works by optimizing the function of organs that are still good. "The increase in blood sugar levels just a symptom of the disorder of insulin. Its source is a pancreas problem. Therefore, the function of the pancreas must be repaired," he said.
03.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Safe Herbal Processing Plants

Herbs are available in the form of fresh and dry. The plant is used in diverse, ranging from roots, rhizomes, stems, leaves, flowers, until the fruit. In order to extract starch and an efficacious compound in the plant can be utilized, this medicinal plant parts should be processed first.

There are several medicinal plants processing techniques, ie by boiling, brewing, and make it as a powder. In the book Herbal Indonesia Efficacious, Scientific Evidence & How racik, Trubus publication, mentioned when the boil herbal ingredients, the use of container is important to note. Containers of iron and aluminum are not recommended because of toxins released materials can pollute the herb is being created.

Tools to boil suggested is that anti-rust, clay, glass, or email. The second processing mode is by way of brewing, the herb is mixed with hot water without cooking process. This is typically used for home consumption herbaceous flowers, for example rosella and fresh leaves.

Meanwhile, for reasons of practicality, the herb can be processed into powder form. The powder can be made from pure single plant or mixtures of several types of herbs.

According to naturopathy experts Dr.Amarullah Siregar, basically the use of herbs can be tailored to individual taste. "May be engulfed in the raw, juiced, boiled, or made soup. To reduce the bitter taste, can add honey or brown sugar," he explained.

Boiling is the use of herbal ways the easiest. According Amarullah, when aiming to maintain a healthy, simple cooking liquid may be consumed with no record of a history of certain diseases.

"Racikan simple herbal no longer enough if there are kelemhan in the body, either due to genetic factors or indeed a particular disease," he explained. In order to provide optimal benefit, the herb is consumed should be already in extract form and is measured dose.

Choose the wrong way can cause the plant herbal preparations are not working properly and properties are not felt. Therefore, you should carefully study the efficacy and side effects of some herbs. If necessary, consult the experts.
03.24 | 0 komentar | Read More

Bamboo Leaf Extract Sehatkan Heart

There are still many people who do not know, bamboo leaves, including potential herb. Relatively high content of flavonoids. In China, the leaf extract was used to protect the heart.

During this time, the bamboo plant which is used disering trunk. Leaves and other parts just to be waste. In contrast to that prevailing in China. In the Bamboo Curtain country, bamboo leaf it has a history of treatment and length of food.

The benefits of bamboo leaves was first revealed in the book of Sun Yi Bie Lu (Note Doctors Famous), namely to shed the sputum and relieve cough and difficulty breathing. Other efficacy of which is to neutralize toxins in the body.

Great Dictionary of Chinese Herbs also make it clear that the hot issue function bamboo leaves, returns potent fluids, and are diuretic (urine launch). In 1998, bamboo leaves are categorized by the Board of Health of China in the list of natural herbs for medicine and food.

Cool and Harum
The species was named Latin Phyllostachys nigra grown in the Yangtze River region, precisely in southern China. Ancient Chinese medical experts to describe the function of medicine and food bamboo leaves in the book of Yao Pin Hua Yi or book excavation meaning herbs, which is cool, fragrant, can get into the heart meridian, taste bitter and cool, his chi is also cool.

Research shows, bamboo leaves contain many active substances, namely flavonoids, polysaccharides, chlorophyll, amino acids, vitamins, mikroelemen, and so forth, so it is good for lowering blood fats and cholesterol. Also can reduce antioxidant or free radical oxidation, as anti-aging ingredients, and be able to maintain stamina and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Muliadi Lim OMD-oriental medical doctor from Shanghai TC University, bamboo leaf flavonoid content has a positive effect on bone marrow and chemotherapy on the immune, can improve microvascular flow for heart patients, platelet function and blood circulation in heart muscle.

Similar Hemoglobin
Health experts believe the composition of the Japanese bamboo leaf flavonoid composition similar to hemoglobin. Therefore, bamboo leaves can be directly injected into the veins and can improve efficiency.

Flavonoids bamboo leaves are also safe, non-toxic. Uniquely, bamboo leaf flavonoids is the first domestic resources flavonoid found in China and has been officially patented.

Board of Health in Zhe Jiang Province-China, through toksiologi test, oral test bamboo leaf extract in mice with a dose of LD50, greater than 10g/kg body weight of rats. The result leaves of poison-free bamboo.

Is it true that bamboo leaf flavonoid capable heart healthy? A study specifically conducted to reveal the benefits of bamboo leaf flavonoids on blood vessels and coronary artery blood flow.
Variations of research with high-dose, medium, and low, bamboo leaf flavonoids shown to facilitate blood flow from coronary heart Cavia cobaya (a type of mouse) which is separated from his body. Calculation of the group and each member of the group have significant differences, increases with the amount of dosage.

High dose, medium and low bamboo leaf flavonoids can increase the power of heart muscle contraction and the calculation of the group also has clear differences. The effect of small doses group (2.5 mg / ml) described positive results for normal physiological functions of coronary arteries and potentially prevent the occurrence of heart problems.

Since 1998, expert in China has conducted research on bamboo leaf flavonoids function to inhibit the oxidation of fat. For example, chocolate drink mix with 1 percent bamboo leaf extract significantly increased free antiradikal while protecting activity of vitamin A and E.

In the domestic market of bamboo leaf extract products are relatively not much. Usually in the form of tablets or a kind of snack that can be consumed, like snacks. Because in the form of extracts, of course caution is required in taking them. The best way to reduce risk, consider the legality of products such as the presence or absence of certification of POM.
03.23 | 0 komentar | Read More

Nutmeg, Spice Business Can

One of the favorite spices in this country is the nutmeg. In addition to having high economic value, nutmeg is also a versatile herb. Levels of the chemical to be a natural solution to relieving stress and insomnia disorders Nutmeg (Myristica fragan Haitt) is a spice native to Indonesia, precisely derived from Banda and the Moluccas. Nutmeg plant spreads to Java, at the time of Marco Polo travel to China over the island of Java from 1271 to 1295. Since then the nutmeg crop cultivation continues to spread to Sumatra.

Nutmeg has long been known as the spice-producing essential oils. This oil is one of the basic ingredients in the beverage industry and cosmetics. In general, the benefits derived from the bark of nutmeg to the fruit.

Alleviate pain nutmeg trunk usually called kino, is often used as firewood. Bark and leaves of plants produce essential oils. In addition, there are also mace or objects that wrap the fruit shaped like a braid, and is called mace. Mace is the dried form is sold in the country.

Hereditary, nutmeg used as an herb, especially the seeds and flesh. Nutmeg believed to be very good for treating indigestion, vomiting, and others.

Nutmeg can alleviate all the aches and pains due to cold body and the stomach and intestines "cold". Meat nutmeg very well and liked the community if it had been processed into snack foods, such as pickles, preserves, or jam nutmeg.

Not only in the country, in some countries in continental Europe and Asia, nutmeg is also well known. Nutmeg is often used as an herb for the treatment of sleep disorders, stress, prevent dehydration, and increase stamina.

Stress reliever Based on research by the National Science and Technology Authority, in his book "Guidebook on the Proper Use of Medicinal Plants, revealed that nutmeg contains chemical compounds that are useful for health. Skin and flesh nutmeg essential oil and substances containing tannin, while the mace or mace contains essential oils, tannic substances, and substance starch.

Nutmeg seeds contain volatile oil, saponin, miristisin, elemisi, lipase, pectin, lemonena, and oleanolat acid. So, almost all the nutmeg contains chemical compounds that are beneficial to health.

In addition was made of herbs, nutmeg can also be used as raw material for making syrup. As stated Michael van den Bos, medical consultants and herbs from Herbacure Centre, nutmeg can be used as syrup. Way, nutmeg poached for their juice. Add sugar to taste if desired.

"Syrup is like other beverages that are refreshing. Nutmeg Syrup has calming properties and is suitable for relieving stress, "he said.

Michael also mentioned, because it is soothing, made from raw herbs nutmeg suitable for use by those who experience sleep disturbances or insomnia, as well as to smooth the blood, relieve stomach disorders, pain, and stomach pains due to colds.

Coconut Water Mixed As disclosed Sunarto, fans of nutmeg, nutmeg powder is often used in the form of a mixture to make juice or young coconut water. According to him, nutmeg extract despite their sharp smell, if mixed with juice can have a positive effect. Especially for field workers, nutmeg extract can be used to maintain stamina and prevent dehydration.

"I used to buy nutmeg extract from a fellow who likes to make a concoction of nutmeg. In fact we can make them yourself. Way, nutmeg dried, pounded until soft, then mixed into the juice or young coconut water. The dose should not exceed 15 grams of nutmeg extract to one large drinking glass, "said 43-year-old man.

Currently the market is not much nutmeg extract is sold. Fortunately, several healers have been developing it in the form of a standing steeping himself or mixed with other herbs.
03.22 | 0 komentar | Read More
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